Select Page

Single Registrations

Full Day

8:30AM -3:35PM

Includes Luncheon

Partner Pricing

Network $749
Builder $659
Premiere $629
Elite $579
Governors’ Circle $499


8:30AM -12:00PM

Excludes Luncheon

Partner Pricing

Network $375
Builder $330
Premiere $310
Elite $290
Governors’ Circle $250


12:00PM -3:35PM

Includes Luncheon

Partner Pricing

Network $480
Builder $420
Premiere $400
Elite $370
Governors’ Circle $320

Table of 10 Registrations

Full Day

8:30AM -3:35PM

Includes Luncheon


Partner Pricing

Network $6,740
Builder $5,930
Premiere $5,660
Elite $5,210
Governors’ Circle $4,490


8:30AM -12:00PM

Excludes Luncheon


Partner Pricing

Network $3,375
Builder $2,970
Premiere $2,790
Elite $2,610
Governors’ Circle $2,250


12:00PM -3:35PM

Includes Luncheon


Partner Pricing

Network $4,320
Builder $3,780
Premiere $3,600
Elite $3,330
Governors’ Circle $2,880

Not sure you are a Partner? Call us at 1.800.263.9648 x225

Some of our Past Sponsors

Excellence Canada gratefully acknowledges the support of the following sponsors of Canadian Excellence.

Champions of Excellence

Advocate Sponsor

Networking Break Sponsor

Supporter Sponsors

Industry Sponsor

Media Partner

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Each year, the ​Performance ​Excellence ​Summit ​& ​Canada ​Awards ​for ​Excellence ​attracts ​500+ ​leaders ​and ​decision-makers ​from ​all ​sectors ​and ​includes ​a ​line-up ​of ​high ​profile ​speakers, ​presentation ​of ​the ​Canada ​Awards ​for ​Excellence ​and ​Board ​of ​Governors’ ​Special ​Recognition ​of ​Achievement ​Award. Don’t miss out!

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